一個人、兩個人、三個人 全世界跳舞 我不見了 只剩皮膚的觸 觸到空氣、觸到背脊 觸到手、心 和離地的瞬間 solo, duet, trio the entire world is dancing “I” disappears only skin is left touching the air, feeling some spines contacting the softness of a palm enjoying a ride with gravity
project a-JAM
A creative container in which all participants are responsible for contributing to and supporting what is happening. A meeting ground for movement, voice, words and images. Deep listening.
2:30~5:30pm, 1st & 3rd Sunday afternoons, Starting from
project b-Contact Improvisation Class
A ten-week course, introducing the elements of contact improvisation. Themes explored in class include deciphering touch, center of weight & gravity, head-tail connection, doors of the senses, entering the flow, etc.
10-12:30, Sunday mornings,
Teachers: Pei-chun Wang, Ming-zhu Yu
Free events. questions? Panda1668@gmail.com
Location: Xinbeitou Zone 71-No. 71,
2:30~5:30pm, 每月第一、第三週日下午,
10-12:30, 週日早晨,
以上活動完全免費!詢問請洽 Panda1668@gmail.com
地點:新北投71園區-台北市北投區開明街71號 (捷運新北投步行約10分鐘)
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